Breast Reconstruction and Cancer Resources
Patients Supporting Patients
You may find it helpful to connect with someone who has had similar experiences when you’re making decisions about breast cancer care and reconstruction. If you would like to talk with one of our patients who have volunteered to be part of a support network for women considering breast reconstruction surgery, please let us know.
Breast Reconstruction Medical Articles
Dr. Greenspun has written numerous articles that have been published in peer-reviewed medical and scientific journals. Links to selected publications are provided.
Myths About DIEP Flaps
Misunderstandings and misconceptions about perforator flap surgery abound. Perhaps because so few plastic surgeons perform these procedures on a regular basis, obtaining accurate and reliable information can at times be difficult. We attempt to clarify a number of the more common myths in this section.
Your Legal Rights
Both Federal and State Laws protect a woman’s right to obtain insurance coverage for breast reconstruction surgery. In addition, Federal law also provides protection against discrimination by health insurance companies and employers on the basis of a person’s genetic makeup
For Clinicians
Healthcare providers can make referrals electronically. In addition, access to recent publications about breast reconstruction are available.
Am I a Candidate?
By answering just a few questions we can help you find out if you are a candidate for reconstructive breast surgery.
Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to frequently asked questions about perforator flap microsurgical breast reconstruction.
Breast Cancer & Reconstruction Links
Links to external websites that provide information or resources that may be of interest to people seeking information about topics such breast cancer, breast reconstruction, and the BRCA gene are provided.